Wednesday, August 15, 2007

It's The Thought That Counts...

It's The Thought That Counts... by MurkyThud

Have you EVER been able to walk by a card rack and only read one card? I hope you haven't been able to either. It is one of the hardest things in the world, I mean next to getting a soaking wet sock off of your feet that is.

The card rack is like a magnet and I am not sure if it is a written rule or not, but I simply can't read the front of a card without reading the inside. It is kind of like you are committed to reading the inside once you have viewed the cover of the card. But don't you hate opening the card only to find a long and sappy poem about nothing? Well, of course you ladies would enjoy that, but I merely scan over it to see if it rhymes. The way I see it, if the author didn't go to the trouble and effort of making the poem rhyme then it isn't worth my time.

Of course I am only kidding, for all of you poem addicts out there that know that a poem doesn't have to rhyme to be good, but I still prefer the lesser quality of a rhyming poem. ::grins::

There are very few things worse than getting a sappy, UN-rhyming poetic card for your birthday. When you open the card and there is no money involved, it is really hard to show interest in what the rest of the card actually says, but yet we fake it and act like this sappy poem is going to change our lives.

I know, I know; that it is the "thought" that counts and some people can send some really sweet things through a card that can touch others lives. But for me, I would rather have a funny card, unless there is money involved then I will take anything. ::grins::

Besides, if it is really the thought that counts, why don't they make cards with pictures of diamond rings, pendants, earrings, a dozen roses, cars, boxes of chocolates, and other things that women swoon over so us guys don't actually have to buy the stuff and it will have the same effect. it ISN'T the thought that counts is it? In fact if I came home and told my wife that I "thought" of buying her roses today, that would not even come close to the reaction I would get if I actually had bought the flowers. In fact, it's the action that is more important than the thought, therefore dispelling the old myth that it is merely the thought that is revered as the only thing that counts.

At Least I THOUGHT About It!


1 comment:

Kimberly said...

And your thoughts are certainly always deep and inspiring! What can we do to increase your readership??!! You deserve to be read, my dear cuz!!!
(I happened to check up on ya today, so was glad you had posted again!)