Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Trust me?

Have you ever noticed how little that we actually trust each other these days? Okay so we don’t trust politicians or investment bankers these days but that is for some pretty good reasons. But the last time you had to call a plumber, heat & air guy or had your car worked on, did you completely trust that person? More than likely you were cautious the entire time wondering exactly how you were getting screwed on the deal. Maybe it is just the fact that we do not “know” that person that causes us to be so pessimistic or the constant news stories of how people are getting taken in similar situations that makes us cautious. But it does seem to be okay if we actually know the person and usually we are willing to pay a little extra just to alleviate the lack of trust in the transaction.

So some situations probably aren’t such a bad idea to be careful or cautious in our dealings with other people, but then there are other situations where we unknowingly focus caution where it is not needed. This past Sunday I did a test. It was pretty stuffy in church so as soon as church was out I went to stand outside in the breeze. Since I was standing there I decided to hold the door for everyone as they came out. I know I know…I am such a nice guy right? I am firmly holding the door and yet 4 out of every 5 people that came by actually placed their hand on the door. I wasn’t walking out of the door and trailing my arm back behind me waiting for the next person to grab the door and relieve me….I mean I was planted there and obviously not going away or waiting for someone to take over. I had the door. Now I will say that most all of them were pleasant and would say “thank you” but like I said, 4 out of 5 actually touched the door on the way out. Some of them would actually press against the door pretty firmly as they passed even though I had the door as open as it would go.

Do we really trust people so little these days that we can’t even walk through a door without protecting ourselves from the guy holding the door? Really, when was the last time that someone held a door for you and then slammed it into you as you walked through it? How many bruises have you really gotten from a door?

Now I am sure some of you are saying “but Mark it is because YOU were holding the door” and that is why they didn’t trust me. Good point and it would not be the first time I have been told that but interestingly enough; it was most of the ones that actually knew me that would walk through without touching the door!

So next time you hold the door for others, I mean if you are nice like myself, notice how few people actually think you can hold the door effectively without their help. It’ll make you want to reach around the door and slap their hands, trust me.

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